Ubuntu and Brahma Viharas: Weaving Ancient African Spirituality and Buddhism with Nobantu Mpotulo

09/21/2024 10:00 AM - 10/26/2024 12:00 PM PT


Ubuntu and Brahma Viharas: Weaving Ancient African Spirituality and Buddhism 

with Nobantu Mpotulo

Four two hour sessions. 


September 21 & 28, October 19 & 26

Saturdays, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm PT



This program shares the age-old African Wisdom of Ubuntu. Ubuntu is about inter-connectedness and inter-beingness. This helps us to connect deeply with ourselves, with others, and with Mother Nature. Ubuntu promotes non-duality and uses the heart and the body to connect with all beings seen and unseen. We will explore how to use Ubuntu to bring the Brahma Viharas alive.



Reciprocity Contribution Levels

Benefactor:                 $225

Spiritual Friend:        $175

Supporter:                   $125

Community Builder:   $75


No one is turned away for lack of funds, please contact info@braidedwisdom.org 


At Braided Wisdom we strive to build an online environment that creates a safer container for all. Part of creating a safer environment is asking for participants to have their cameras on during class time. If you have an access need around this request, please reach out to info@braidedwisdom.org so we can discuss how best to support you. 


The program will be recorded and sent to only those who attend the session. Thank you for your understanding.


About Nobantu Mpotulo


Nobantu Mpotulo has been a Buddhist practitioner and a teacher for over 20 years. She is trained in the insight mindfulness practices. She is also an Insight Dialogue Teacher and integrates Insight Dialogue with Ubuntu an ancient African Indigenous Wisdom which emphasizes interdependence and non-duality. Nobantu is also a Diamond Approach student and in her practice of Diamond Approach she uses Enneagram to support her. She is a certified Enneagram Teacher. Nobantu is a graduate of the Community Dharma Leadership Programme (CDL 4 Cohort), she has also completed the Dharmapala Programme under the tutelage of Kittisaro and Thanissara. She is a Trustee at Dharmagiri. Nobantu promotes Afro-dharma in her Buddhist teachings by integrating Ubuntu. Nobantu is an internationally acclaimed coach, mentor, facilitator and leads peace circles.

Her favorite quote is by Victor Frankl,

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom."



This event registration is for the Ubuntu and Brahma Viharas: Weaving Ancient African Spirituality and Buddhism with Nobantu Mpotulo on September 21 & 28, October 19 & 26, Saturdays, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm PT.


A Zoom Link will be sent on Friday, prior to the event. Please check your spam folder if you do not see our email with the zoom link.

If you have any questions, please email info@braidedwisdom.org.