Earth-Based Initiatives for Our Times - Part 5 of the 5-Part Series: Nature with Mbali Marais

07/29/2023 09:00 AM - 11:30 AM PT



How do we practice in these times? The real question is how do we not? Amidst the chaos and conflict of the individual and collective fires raging around us, there is an invitation to find our primary call to creativity and tend to the deep self. When we realise we are not all there is, we awaken to the call to find our wholeness in the mystery and the greater earth story of who and why we are here. 

In this five part elemental series hosted by Braided Wisdom we explore earth-based practices to guide us in this time. These practices are grounded in the five elemental cosmology of the Dagara tradition - fire, water, earth, mineral and nature - and cross-cultural ways of knowing. We will draw from the wisdom of intergenerational circles. We will look to the past in order to support us in the present to move forward and leave a legacy of earth stewardship for the next generations. We will return to the age old practices of radical ritual, contemplative practices, reflection, storytelling, ceremony and the arts. 



Nature’s mirror reminds us of truth. It invites us to remove the masks of disingenuity and playing small. It calls us back into the magic and mystery of our life, where change and transformation is essential and it moves us to remember that death and rebirth are a part of life.


Reciprocity Contribution Levels

Benefactor:                 $60 per class

Spiritual Friend:          $40 per class

Supporter:                  $20 per class 

Community Builder:   $10 per class


No one is turned away for lack of funds, please contact 



This event registration is for Part 5 of the 5-Part Series: Earth-Based Initiatives for Our Times - Nature - on Saturday, July 29, 2023 from 9:00 am - 11:30 am Pacific Time. 


A Zoom Link will be sent the Wednesday & Friday prior to, and on the days of the event. Please check your spam folder if you do not see our email with the zoom link.